Episode 142: David Kopec - Classic Computer Science Problems in Python

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Our guest for today's episode is an assistant professor of Computer Science and Innovation at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. He is the author of Dart for Absolute Beginners (Apress, 2014), Classic Computer Science Problems in Swift (Manning, 2018) and, the recently released, Classic Computer Science Problems in Python (Manning, 2019). Also he is active in the open source community as the author of several popular Swift data structure projects. It is with a great pleasure that we welcome David Kopec to our podcast.

Episode 131: Justin Keyes - Neovim

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Our guest for today’s episode is Neovim maintainer, Vim contributor, and a software engineer. It is with a great pleasure that we welcome Justin Keyes to our podcast

Episódio 126: John Roa - PyCon Colombia

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Our guest for today’s episode is a passionate self taught team lead and software developer. Cyclist that loves speed. Director of Engineering at LendingFront and PyCon Colombia chief organizer. Our guest today is John Roa and we are going to be talking about PyCon Colombia which is going to happen in Medellin, Colombia through February 9, 10 and 11 - 2018. John welcome to Castalio Podcast.

Episode 119: Carol Nichols - Rust Language

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Today, we are going to be talking about one of the new programming languages that have attracted attention from programmers and companies around the world. Presented by Mozilla Research as a "Safe, Practical and Concurrent" solution and with the promise of solving known systems programming problems, Rust is also a multi-paradigm and multi-purpose language. And we'll learn more about Rust with Carol Nichols one of its core-developers and author of The Rust Programming Language book.

Episódio 114: Mariatta Wijaya - CPython

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Nossa convidada de hoje é engenheira de sofware em Vancouver, Canadá, é co-organizadora da PyLadies Vancouver e da conferencia PyCascades. Ela também é Python Core Developer, contribuindo com a documentação oficial do Python, Python Developer's Guide, Python Core Workflow, e o site python.org. Ela é a primeira pessoa que entrevistamos neste podcast que tem créditos em filmes no IMDB. É com grande prazer que nos recebemos Mariatta Wijaya.

Our guest for today is a software engineer in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), a co-organizer of PyLadies Vancouver and the PyCascades conference. She is also a new Python Core Developer, contributing to the official Python documentation, Python Developer's Guide, Python core workflow, and Python.org. She is also the first person we interview for this podcast who has credits for movies on IMDB. It is with great pleasure that we welcome Mariatta Wijaya.

Episódio 106: Dan Bader

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Nosso convidado de hoje se intitula “a complete python nut”, gosta de cozinhar comida vegetariana, é o autor do livro Python Tricks, recentemente se tornou o mantenedor do site http://pep8.org, publicou vários vídeos excelentes no YouTube, e, se não fosse o bastante, ele iniciou um projeto chamado PythonistaCafe! É com grande prazer que nos recebemos nosso convidado, Dan Bader.

Our guest for today’s episode calls himself “a complete python nut”, likes to cook vegetarian food, is the author of the book Python Tricks, just recently took over the maintainership for the site http://pep8.org/, has a ton of great videos on Youtube, and, as if this wasn’t enough, he started a new project called PythonistaCafe! It is with great pleasure that we welcome our guest, Dan Bader.

Episódio 83: Tarek Ziadé - Mozilla

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Nosso convidado de hoje é um desenvolvedor Python que trabalha na Mozilla no time de Serviços, escreveu vários livros sobre Python em inglês e francês, pai de 3, é um corredor ávido, usuário Vim e trabalha de Dijon, na França. É com grande prazer que trazemos mais uma entrevista em inglês e conversamos com o Tarek Ziadé.

Episódio 80: Kenneth Reitz - Python Requests

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Nosso convidado de hoje é o criador do Python Requests: HTTP para Humanos, atualmente trabalha no Heroku com um título bem interessante, PythonOverLord, possui uma coleção incrível de fotos no Instagram, e possui seu próprio Import This podcast. Ele também escreveu o "Hitchhiker's Guide to Python", um livro de boas práticas em Python que foi, coincidentemente publicado pela O'Reilly em Setembro e todo o lucro das vendas está sendo doado para a fundação Django Girls. Alem disso, possui muito projetos interessantes em sua página no Github. É com grande prazer que trazemos uma entrevista, em inglês, com o Kenneth Reitz.

Episódio 73: Python Brasil 12 - Parte 1

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No episódio de hoje trazemos um episódio diferente pois fizemos algumas entrevistas ao vivo durante a Python Brasil 12. Foram um total de 4 entrevistas que você irá conferir neste espisódio e no próximo, duas por episódio.

As entrevistas foram realizadas pelo Elyézer Rezende e Bruno Rocha, isso mesmo, agora o Bruno Rocha está participando conosco no Castálio! O Og infelizmente não estava presente nas entrevistas ao vivo, mas está presente no episódio.

Começamos a nossa série de entrevistas rápidas com o Mário Sergio, o Big Kahuna da Python Brasil 12 que foi realizada em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Ele nos conta sobre como foi organizar a Python Brasil, fala sobre alguns de seus projetos pessoais e também sobre algo que deseja muito fazer quando não está desenvolvendo.

Pete Savage: Git in the Trenches (GITT)

First off I'd like to welcome all the new visitors to this podcast's 17th episode and the very first one done in English! This podcast was born out of my curiosity of getting to know a bit more about the people I have met, whether in person or online, and go beyond the superficial information about them. So instead of just talking about what I already knew, I wanted to focus on what I didn't know... things such, what type of music they like to listen to, or what type of movies and books they enjoy... the history behind their decisions to start or join their current enterprises and really get a behind the scenes glimpse of all the factors that shaped this person to what he/she is now! Up until now I have only catered to the Brazilian Open Source community and all prior episodes have been recorded in Brazilian Portuguese. When I asked my listeners if they would be interested in an episode in English with someone new and exciting, the answer was an overwhelming 'Yes!'

So for my very first episode in English I chose to interview a good friend of mine from several years: Pete Savage! During the next 58 minutes we talked about how we first met through a PyGtk video he posted a while back during a Linux User Group meeting, how he first got involved with Edubuntu, and then moved on to several other projects such as ProgBox and GeekDeck, about the books that he's written including the reason for writing "Emblem Divide", how much the Japanese culture plays a role in his daily life, and his Top 5 movies, books and movies! A transcript of this episode can be found here, as well as a link where you can translate it into your native language via Google Translate.